The Russian Olympians Foundation Charity Organization


Approved April 27, 2017

Support program for the SCYSSOR training candidates for the national sports teams of the Russian Federation

Approved March 6, 2009. Protocol № 1/09

SDYUSSHOR support program (based on 2009 results)

Approved May 21, 2010. Protocol № 2/10

SDYUSSHOR support program (based on 2010 results)

Approved April 20, 2011. Protocol № 1/11

Sports School Support Program (based on result in 2011)

Approved December 23, 2011, decided by the Competition Commission

SDYUSSHOR lists, which were awarded with the Foundation grants, in the support program for schools of Olympic reserve in 2011

Approved June 20, 2013

Support program for the SCYSSOR "Sochi 2014" "Rio de Janeiro 2016" (according to the results of 2013)

Approved July 01, 2016

Support program for the SCYSSOR training candidates for the national sports teams of the Russian Federation

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Moscow (Russia)
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