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Home/ News/ Foundation's News/ The Sports Federation employees learn English

The Sports Federation employees learn English

26 February 2021

On February 4, at the MGIMO (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, two training programs were launched at once, prepared jointly with The Russian Olympians Foundation at the request of the Russian Olympic Committee. At the desks sat 47 responsible representatives from 15 all-Russian sports federations in Olympic sports. Both programs are aimed at teaching the staff of the sports federations the English language. During the training, listeners (English for beginners) will have to listen to several topics in the language and get acquainted with the vocabulary on them: sports structures and organizations, sports facilities, medical aspects in sports, etc. More advanced listeners (English for advanced students) will have to master the vocabulary and the technique of organizing press conferences, to delve into the topic of sports arbitration. Special classes will be held on the problems of doping in sport and the organization of sporting events. Classes are held based on the First Department of English at MGIMO, but leading teachers from all eight English departments of the university take part in them. The textbooks are written by MGIMO teachers specifically for the Foundation's programs. Part-time education will last four months.

The audience was addressed by A.A. Katushev and Associate Professor of the Department of English No. 1 MGIMO I.G. Ignatieva.

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