The Russian Olympians Foundation Charity Organization
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Home/ News/ Foundation's News/ The Russian Olympians Foundation completed the New Olympic Sports Support Program in 2019

The Russian Olympians Foundation completed the New Olympic Sports Support Program in 2019

27 December 2019

At the end of December, the Russian Olympians Foundation, as planned, successfully completed the Program to support the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in connection with the development of new Olympic sports: karate, surfing, skateboarding, rock climbing, baseball, softball.

Equipment and inventory from world-class manufacturers were supplied, and Olympic-class sports facilities were built at the expense of the Foundation in 18 Russian regions.

The last to be commissioned was the Olympic climbing wall in the city of Voronezh.

Its opening on December 23 was attended by the head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Voronezh Region - Kadurin V.V., Vice-President of the Russian Rock-Climbing Federation and Chairman of the Voronezh Rock Climbing Federation - Malamid V.M., and Advisor to the Russian Olympians Foundation- Vashkevich I.N.

The largest structure weighing about 12 tons is intended for the discipline "bouldering" - a series of short extremely difficult tracks. If necessary, it can be lowered onto 20 wheels and, with the efforts of several people, can be freely moved around the hall.

Also, the sports center has two new 15-meter climbing walls. One of them is designed for speed climbing, the second is universal, suitable for climbing difficult.

In March 2020, the Russian climbing championship will be held in Voronezh, and the world championship will be held there in August.

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