The Russian Olympians Foundation Charity Organization
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Home/ News/ Foundation's News/ The Foundation helped build the largest climbing wall in the Middle Urals in Yekaterinburg

The Foundation helped build the largest climbing wall in the Middle Urals in Yekaterinburg

19 December 2019

The largest climbing wall in the Middle Urals has opened in Yekaterinburg. The track will become the main one for preparing the regional team for international competitions.

The climbing wall in Yekaterinburg was built within the framework of the program "Support to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in connection with the development of new Olympic sports." The program assumes the financial activities to prepare the sports reserve of Russian national teams in new Olympic sports included in the program of the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo - karate, surfing, skateboarding, rock climbing, baseball, softball. The construction was financed from the Russian Olympians Foundation.

The new climbing wall in Yekaterinburg meets international standards. The facility was erected under the program for the development of new Olympic sports in Russia. In 2020, at the Tokyo Summer Games, for the first time, they will compete for medals in karate, surfing, skateboarding, softball, and rock climbing, after a pause, baseball is returned to the program.

Alexander Katushev, executive director of the Russian Olympians Foundation: “Any competition can be held here, the climbing wall is fully equipped, a complete set. There are not only three climbing disciplines here - difficulty, speed and bouldering - there is also a training climbing wall, along with climbing wall care equipment."

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