The Russian Olympians Foundation Charity Organization
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Home/ News/ Foundation's News/ Perfect English

Perfect English

02 October 2019

On October 1, Executive Director of the Russian Olympians Foundation A.A. Katushev opened at MGIMO (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia classes on the program "Professional communications in the global sports environment in English, as the language of international communication" (English for advanced students). This program is being implemented by the Foundation together with MGIMO and the Russian Olympic Committee for the first time. During the three-month study cycle, students improve their knowledge of the English language to communicate, write, negotiate freely on sports and related topics. Representatives of 16 Olympic sports federations take part in the program. They went through a tough selection, having passed the competition (more than two applicants per place), and were chosen according to the test results in order to determine the level of language proficiency. During the lesson, new progressive methods will be used to help students to more actively assimilate the proposed material. Language textbooks were developed by MGIMO specifically for this course. Classes are held on the basis of the first English department of MGIMO and will end on December 27 with a final test. Responsible employees of the All-Russian Olympic sports federations, who did not get to study English according to the above program, will, nevertheless, be able to improve their language skills within the framework of the “Regulation and Legal Support of Sports” program, an important component of which is also special English.

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